Podcast Episode 19: Genohistory with Donna Cox Baker
In 2020, Donna Cox Baker launched Genohistory on Purpose, combining her passions for genealogy and history. Donna’s other contributions include The Beyond Kin Project and the book Zotero for Genealogy.

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In 2020 Donna Cox Baker launched Genohistory on Purpose, combining her passions for genealogy and history. If you are a genealogist who loves hanging out with your ancestors in their time and place, you just might be a genohistorian.
Topics Discussed
Donna Cox Baker has a Ph.D. in history and has enjoyed careers in technical and historical writing, editing, and publishing for several decades. In 2020 Donna combined her passions for genealogy and history into “genohistory” and launched it into the world.
In this episode, Donna shares:
- What genohistory is
- Why genohistory is important
- How to participate and be a genohistorian
- And some stories of what she has discovered about her ancestors using this approach.
Listen in and get inspired to spend time with your ancestors in their time and place!
Donna’s other contributions include The Beyond Kin Project and Golden Channel Publishing. The Beyond Kin Project was created in 2016 with Franzine K. Taylor to encourage and facilitate the documentation of enslaved populations. Her Golden Channel Publishing company releases books and tools for family historians, including the very popular Zotero for Genealogy.
- Genohistory on Purpose: genohistorian.com
- The Beyond Kin Project: beyondkin.org
- Golden Channel Publishing: goldenchannelpublishing.com
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