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Podcast Episode 82: RootsTech Insider Tips and Advice with Cheri Daniels

Make the most of RootsTech 2024 with this advice from Cheri Daniels, who has attended RootsTech since the beginning. In her roles as RootsTech Speaker, Media, and Attendee, she has seen it all and will help you get in the mindset for a successful conference.

Podcast Episode 82: RootsTech Insider Tips and Advice with Cheri Daniels

As we anticipate RootsTech 2024, both veterans and newcomers alike might wonder about the best ways to prepare for this event. Whether it’s your first in-person attendance or you’re tuning in virtually, Cheri offers a guiding hand to navigate this incredible conference.

Getting to Know Cheri Daniels

But first, let's set the stage by delving into Cheri's extensive background with RootsTech. Her journey dates back to the inaugural conference, where she was an attendee, not a speaker.

"I attended the very first RootsTech."

That first year marked a milestone as Cheri and her business colleague brought forward the concept of 'semantic web' and 'one world trees'—the idea that each ancestor is assigned a unique identifier, a system now commonly seen in FamilySearch's family trees.

The RootsTech Phenomenon: From Then to Now

Cheri's narrative chronicles RootsTech's exponential growth, proving it to be a pioneering force in the genealogy. Initially, it doubled the attendee numbers compared to existing national conferences, carving out a niche with its integration of technology and user-developer interactions. Her role evolved over the years; from attendee to speaker, Sherry has now graced the RootsTech stages multiple times, sharing insights on social media tools, storytelling, and uncovering family histories, both light and shade.

A Genealogy Conference Like No Other

RootsTech 2019 vendor hall
RootsTech 2019 vendor hall, image from FamilySearch blog

The excitement and buzz of RootsTech are palpable, with Cheri noting the palpable sense of community that radiates throughout. She draws a parallel between the elation of genealogy breakthroughs and the vibrancy that fills the air at RootsTech, a sentiment sure to resonate with both first-timers and the veterans.

Curating Your RootsTech Itinerary

When it comes to attending RootsTech, whether you're there in the flesh or joining the digital crowd, the mantra is clear:

"Prioritize your experience."

With scores of sessions occurring, Cheri suggests a careful curation of your schedule through the RootsTech app. Workshops have limited space, and timing is crucial. A blend of strategy and serendipity becomes necessary to maximize the sights and sounds of RootsTech without feeling overwhelmed.

Cheri’s Unique Tip: Embrace the RootsTech Culture

Here's a nugget of wisdom straight from the expert:

“You're usually not prepared for the energy that is RootsTech."

Acknowledging RootsTech's unique ecosystem, she likens first-timers' experience to visiting Disney World. It's about savoring each moment and accepting that you can't do it all. Whether it's mingling in the bustling exhibit hall, reveling in awe-inspiring keynotes, or participating in Relatives at RootsTech, every element contributes to an enriching experience.

From Presentations to Preservation Workshops

Cheri's contributions range from discussing the deep-seated stories within our family trees to practical workshops on historical photography preservation. For 2024, she draws attention to the upcoming sesquicentennial of the American Revolution and her session on uncovering underrepresented patriots.

Discover Connections: The RootsTech Way

Another layer of the RootsTech experience is the "Relatives at RootsTech" feature, using FamilySearch to find and connect with distant relatives who could be right next to you at the conference.

Pre-conference Preparation: Essential Housekeeping

Before diving into the RootsTech tide, collect the syllabus materials for your chosen sessions. This pre-event effort paves the way for a more organized and comfortable learning experience.

"Make sure you download them before the conference so you've got them and you're done."

Final Takeaway: Let RootsTech Wash Over You

The essence of Cheri's message can be encapsulated in one simple phrase:

"Let it be."

RootsTech is a THE genealogy event of the year. Take her advice to heart, and prepare to get swept away in the exhilarating current of RootsTech's vibrant atmosphere.

Looking for more of Cheri's sessions? Type in "C-H-E-R-I Daniels" in the RootsTech search box, and let your genealogy adventure begin.

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