Records of Pennsylvania Civilians During the Civil War Era
Both federal tax listing and war damage claims provide a vivid picture of civilian life during the Civil War in Pennsylvania.

Researching the Civil War does not mean just soldier records. Civilians also had a unique set of records generated during and after this conflict.
Exploring records of Pennsylvania civilians during the Civil War offers genealogists invaluable insights into their ancestors' lives and the challenges they faced. From tax listings to damage claims, these documents paint a vivid picture of the economic and personal impacts of the war.
The federal government instituted a nationwide tax on income in 1862. These detailed records show both monthly and yearly payments for each person taxed. Post war, Pennsylvania residents whose property was damaged by either Union or Confederate troops could file claims for reimbursement from the government.
Despite the challenges of navigating these records due to organizational differences and indexing issues, they remain a rich resource for tracing family histories and understanding the local impact of the war.